美國國稅局發布了 2022 年的標準里程費率,用於計算出於商業、慈善、醫療或搬家目的經營汽車的可扣除成本。
以下是從 2022 年 1 月 1 日開始,使用汽車(也包括貨車、卡車等)的標準里程費率:
- 商業用途每英里 0.585 美元,比 2021 年的費率增加 0.025 美元。
- 對於合格的現役武裝部隊成員,或以醫療運輸為目的的費率為每英里 0.18 美元,比 2021 年的費率增加 0.02 美元 。
- 為慈善組織服務為每英里 0.14 美元;該比率與2021 年一樣,保持不變。
美國註冊會計師 羅霞 提醒您,納稅人是可以選擇使用車輛的實際使用成本,而不是一定要使用標準里程費率喔!
歡迎來電諮詢美國註冊會計師 羅霞 +886 980919600
或者 E-mail: ustaxproservice@gmail.com
也歡迎造訪我公司官網: https://www.ustaxproservice.com
(美稅服務有限公司 USTAX Service LLC)
US Standard Mileage Rates for 2022
IRS issues standard mileage rates for 2022. Standard mileage rates are used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical, or moving purposes.
The following is the standard mileage rates for using a car (including trucks and vans) started on January 1, 2022.
- $ 0.585 per mile driven for business purpose, increases $ 0.025 from 2021.
- $ 0.18 per mile driven for medical or moving purposes for qualified active-duty members of the Armed Forces, increases $ 0.02 dollars from 2021.
- $ 0.14 per mile driven in service of charitable organizations; the rate remains the same as 2021.
Taxpayers can use the standard mileage rates, but the car has to be used for business purpose and be used in the first year. For the years to come, taxpayers can choose between the standard mileage rates and actual expenses method.
If taxpayers choose to use rental vehicles and the standard mileage rates, the rates must be used for the entire rental period, including renewals.
USCPA Luo Xia reminds you that taxpayers can choose to use the actual expenses of the vehicles instead of the standard mileage rates.
If you have any questions or need any further help,
please contact us at the USCPA Luo Xia +886 980919600
or Email: ustaxproservice@gmail.com
Also welcome to visit our website: https://www.ustaxproservice.com
(USTAX Service LLC)
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